WeWriWa: A Delicious Peek at PRINCE OF DREAMS and “RELEASE DATE!”

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Sunday, July 15, 2018

WeWriWa: A Delicious Peek at PRINCE OF DREAMS and “RELEASE DATE!”

Nothing warms up a summer day like final edits of a sizzling scene! Whew, is it H.o.T. in here or just me? Getting PRINCE OF DREAMS down to its lean and mean fighting weight and loving every minute of it. But time flies so fast when you realize all that’s involved in getting that baby out into the world. BETA readers, line edits, formatting, final cover proof, promotion plans scheduled . . . and before you know it, that summer book has an October release date! Just can’t get it through so many hands in less time even though my job is almost done. So, I’m rolling with it to announce a Release Date of October 2, 2018! And to help celebrate, I’m reopening the doors to my Haunted Halloween Open House! More on that later. Today, let’s get straight to the heart (or is that heat?) of the moment with today’s excerpt from an earlier scene in PRINCE OF DREAMS.

As he strode behind the truck bed, she watched in the rearview as his outline was traced by the rear lights, desire and impatience for what she couldn’t have chafing aggressively like two raw agates in a rock polisher. By the time he got in, she’d fogged the windows with her ragged breaths. 

As he twisted to find his seat belt, Ophelia spoke his name softly, “Christopher.” 

Kip turned in question and she was on his lips in a heartbeat. As his parted in surprise, her tongue shot between them, engaging his in aggressive play. The taste of him . . . zingy sauce, dark beer and pure heaven. 

He gripped her upper arms, at first, she thought to push her away, but he drew her closer instead, dragging her toward him, lifting and twisting her body to angle her around the steering wheel, grinning into their kiss as her butt brushed the horn, startling a quick beep. Skirt tangling about the shifter knob, she freed one hand to tug it loose, so Kip could pull her across him, her knees straddling his thighs on the vinyl bench seat. They settled into a hurried, hungry lip lock. 


I wonder where this is going?

Back to Chapter 12, is where I’m going on this final eagle-eyed voyage in search of errors before passing my baby on to pre-readers. Deep breath, deep breath! Thank goodness for looong weekends!

Happy Writing no matter where you are in your journey, fellow Warriors!

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their 8sunday posts.

Spread the word, share the love, warriors - Hashtag #8sunday.


  1. Whew, that was steamy! Glad she went for it.

  2. That was a great snippet. I liked all the details about the trouble of getting into his lap in the small space of the truck.
