WeWriWa: Trust . . . A Risk-Taking Ranger

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Sunday, May 01, 2022

WeWriWa: Trust . . . A Risk-Taking Ranger

I’m spending two weeks relaxing on the other side of the state with one of my critique partners (who is a diehard Texan and proud of it!) where one of our goals is to get back into our writing. I’m ashamed to say my second modern Texas lawman W-I-P has lain fallow for over a month on my writing desk while I’ve been slothfully binge-watching on my big monitor across my office. But now it’s BICHOK (Butt in Chair Hands on Keys!) time and I’m thrilled to say I’ve got pages of new words done on my romantic suspense. Here are a few of them . . .

Nora studied his profile for a long, uncomfortable moment. “And that suits you, being invisible.”

“To a T. I’ve found it to be the safest place when the world is going to hell all around you.” A small curve touched his lips then those dark, soul-sucking eyes caught hers. “Something we learned too young in this unfair world, you, me, and Lu, to keep us from being pulled back under where all our demons hide . . . so we can pretend they never existed.”

“But they do,” she admitted in a rough little whisper. “Always there, always waiting to catch us unprepared.”

“I won’t let them, Nora, if you trust me.”

( . . . and a bit more . . .)

His stare slipped through her defenses, catching her emotional guard down. With one stabbing glance, he stripped her secrets from her, not to hold over her but to embrace them as carefully as he once had her traitorous body when it was at its weakest. His voice was soft as his caress had been.

“I’ve got a whole lifetime of experience to back that claim, and it’s one I don’t make easy or often.”

"I do. I do trust you."
Funny how after a few minutes at the keyboard words come flying back (if you’re lucky!) and your characters return to life to keep you engaged with their adventures. Instead of falling mindlessly into someone else’s fiction, you’re creating your own! Now, I can’t wait to get back to it . . . as soon as I visit your pages.

Happy May Day!! May spring arrive at last!

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.

Spread the word, share the love, warriors - Hashtag #8sunday.

Nancy on the Web


  1. Whew! Put me in the scene, right there with him. And I like what he's saying. ;-) Glad you're back to this story. :-)

    1. Forgot to add: No post for me this week. :-)

  2. Ooh, intense snippet which I very much enjoyed.

  3. For an 'invisible' man, he sure packs an emotional punch for her.

    1. Someone she never expected to get through her tough outer shell.

  4. Such a tender moment, and also reveals so much about these characters. Well done!

  5. These characters have so much history--I hope it helps rather than hinders them in the end. Fabulous snippet! Tweeted.

    1. Oh it'll supply just the right amount of roadblocks. But history you learn from so it can make you stronger.

  6. This snippet is so emotionally powerful. Sounds like there's a lot of history between them, esp. if she trusts him this much. Keep on writing. I want to read this.

  7. That happens, doesn't it--the editing freeze. Glad to hear it's coming along!
