WeWriWa: “Reflections” A RISK TAKING RANGER

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Sunday, November 13, 2022

WeWriWa: “Reflections” A RISK TAKING RANGER

Now that I have your attention . . . How we see ourselves is every bit as important as how we see each other. Maybe more so, considering our view of self, determines how we interpret everything around us. Some of us have panoramic views – taking in the big picture without ever narrowing it down to make it personal. Some have a scope so narrow there’s no room for broader horizons. And sometimes, it’s all in the appreciation of one moment, of what’s right in front of you . . .

 The Excerpt 

A gasp.

Clearing his eyes with a corner of damp terry cloth, Zayn found himself facing an unexpected guest. The towel was whipped down to cover his immodesty just a second too late.

Nora Prescott sat unblinking on his couch. Rounded eyes slowly lifted from bunched terry cloth to startled face. A lengthy silence hung between them until she made a distracted gesture toward the door. “Tommy gave me your extra key. I thought I’d wait . . .”

His lips twitched. “For the floorshow? You’ve got the best seat in the house.”

and just a little more of a peek . . .

A strangled sound escaped her, half snort, half laugh as dark eyes subtly detailed damp toweling. “And me, without quarters.”

Zayn stretched out one hand to snag his clothes off the desk chair then backed toward the open bathroom door. “I’ll be just a second.”

A smile twitched. “I’ll wait.”

Tracking backwards onto the wet tiles, he shut the door before turning . . . right into his reflection in the full-length mirror. Which had undoubtedly provided a nice rear view for his guest.

Well, hell . . .
I never thought spending over an hour looking through pictures of naked men wrapped in towels would be such a chore. But finding my ideal for Zayn Bass was worth the hard work. You are welcome! Revisions are done and I’m doing a read through before deciding what in heck I’m going to do with this project. Part of me wants to try traditional publishing again. I have fantastic contacts who would at least look at what I send. But then there’s the instant gratification of going indie and having full control. What do you think??

I think I’m going to spend the rest of the day (after checking in with your excerpts) cuddling my youngest (and biggest!) cat who just went to the vet for an eye infection. The joy of holding a 13-lb big baby (all muscle and claws!) still to put goop in his sore eye while telling him what you’re doing is good for him, without having him rip you to pieces. The good news - he can be bribed with food.

I’m going to be gone next Sunday. My D-i-L and grandguy are meeting us at a halfway point restaurant to celebrate our family Thanksgiving. No clean up! Woo Hoo! If you celebrate, have a wonderful Turkey Day -without getting too stuffed!

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.

Spread the word, share the love, warriors - Hashtag #8sunday.

Nancy on the Web


  1. Oh, that was definitely a nice view!

    Enjoy your time with your cat and your family!

    1. Thanks, Jessica!! I'm putting my computer on sabatical leave until after the holiday. By then I'll be chafing to get back to work!!

  2. Enjoyed the excerpt! Best wishes for your Thanskgiving celebration. As to publishing, I'm all about the control of being an indie and the ability to release a book whenever and however I desire. Trad takes TOO LONG! :)

    1. I hear you. I'm all for immediate gratification!

  3. From her reaction (and the image), he's easy on the eyes!

  4. LOL - fun excerpt and your time was well spent looking for the perfect photo.

  5. That's one HOT ranger! He can corral me any time! :) Loved the snippet! Especially the discovery of the mirror view. LOL I have both Traditional and Indie books and I'm really split on it. I love the control of Indie, but the Traditional distribution is a big consideration. Let us know what you finally go with! Tweeted.

    1. I really enjoyed having both Indie and Traditional books out at the same time. Immediate money and better distribution.

  6. I'd probably either turn beet red or be completely casual about this situation. I used to work as an artist's model and I worked in the healthcare field for close to 30 years. Nudity really doesn't phase me, but I might be embarrassed by being where I wasn't and catching an unexpected eyeful.
    I just would not be a lot of fun as a romance heroine!

    1. That should have read "being where I wasn't expected to be." Hypothetical me seems to be having an existential crisis.

    2. Me, neither. I am so NOT adventurous. That's why I live vicariously through books!
