WeWriWa: Lonely Nights . . . BOUND BY MOONLIGHT

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Sunday, April 30, 2023

WeWriWa: Lonely Nights . . . BOUND BY MOONLIGHT

I’m happily elbows deep in getting the fourth book in my “By Moonlight” shapeshifter series back into readers’ hands! BOUND BY MOONLIGHT is the perfect place for “By Moonlight” newbies to be introduced to the 15-book series (unfortunately, I couldn’t get the rights back to the first three to get them back out into print, but they are still available in e-format from the original publisher!). Book 4, thankfully, brings new readers right into the over-arcing storyline, the romance, and the adventure with its unforgettable main couple, shapeshifter Max Savoie and New Orleans police detective Charlotte Caissie. It’s like falling in love all over again . . . Here’s a sample:

Length: 370 Pages

Bound by Moonlight has everything I want in a romance! Sizzling passion, a sexy hero, and a paranormal love to last the ages.” – Gena Showalter, New York Times bestselling author 

It’s who I am . . .

Charlotte Caissie knows little about normal relationships. Driven by duty, she’s followed her father’s footsteps as an NOPD detective, compelled to see justice done . . . until a kiss from Max Savoie has her sharing his dresser drawers and making media news as his girlfriend. He expects things she can’t give, like commitment, trust. And a family. How did she lose control of her life to an enigmatic man who inherited a criminal empire . . . and is not even human?

It's what I am . . .

Max Savoie struggles to be what everyone expects of him, a difficult task when he doesn’t know who or what he is. His only certainty is his love for Charlotte Caissie. When a deadly situation threatens their city, CeeCee calls upon Max’s preternatural talents to find the serial killer holding a colleague’s daughter hostage, a move that could risk exposing him for what he is . . . something more monster than man.

Enjoy Romance . . . By Moonlight!

 The Excerpt 

How many nights had she spent just like this one?  Only instead of the fairly healthy turkey wrap and diet soda, she’d have been working through a six pack and bag of chips, lighting one cigarette off the butt end of another. With no hope of a ruggedly sexy paramour showing up at her window to seduce her, she’d have been eyebrow deep in work until the fatigue or alcohol caught up with her some time closer to dawn than dark . . . night after night. 

And for years, it had been enough. No worries about saying the wrong thing, no fear of stepping on sensitive toes, no relationship rules to remember. . . just the freedom to do whatever the hell she wanted, whenever she wanted.  No one wondering why she hadn’t called, crowding into her space, into her thoughts . . . into her heart.

For a moment, she thought back upon those times almost wistfully.  When everything she had was in these few simple rooms and everything she was, was embossed upon the badge she carried.  No deviations from right to slightly wrong and no question of where she stood or doubts about those who stood beside her.

No Max Savoie to cloud the issues with the swirl of murky grays surrounding him.

( . . . and a bit more . . . )

Things had been so easy then.  Get up, go to work, do the job she loved and come home satisfied.  Her home, here.  Not to some mobster’s mansion where the floors were stained by blood and secrets. Where the lover who lay with her in the night wasn’t even human.

She flung her head back against the couch and rubbed her eyes.

What was she thinking?  Wishing she could go back to that time when she was miserable and cold and alone, one drink from an alcoholic, one case from burn out? Why was she waxing sentimental for the isolation and silence that had defined her?

Why did the way Max Savoie filled that once empty life suddenly scare the hell out of her?

Hopefully, next week I can surprise you with the new cover concept my virtual assistant and I are working on.  Max . . . sigh!

Since I’ve got to get back to the reissues, I’ll leave my post short and sweet so I can visit yours. 

Happy Almost May!!

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.

Spread the word, share the love, warriors - Hashtag #8sunday.

Nancy on the Web


  1. A lot of mental anguish - thoughts rumbling around in her head. And ended on a great question. Tweeted.

  2. I feel the loneliness surrounding her. I hope things change soon. Great snippet

    1. Thanks! They couldn't get much worse - well, yeah they could. But a HEA is guaranteed.

  3. it's so easy to relate to. It's easy being all in love and stuff. Less so when things get complicated, and we hit that "I wish I never met this person" moment. Great passage!

  4. Crazy how used to the pain and emptiness one can become. Great snippet in capturing that rawness.
