WeWriWa: Dream a Little Dream . . . SWEET TEXAS DREAMS

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Sunday, October 15, 2023

WeWriWa: Dream a Little Dream . . . SWEET TEXAS DREAMS

It’s always the last one you’d expect who rises heroically to the occasion. In the legendary Bass family, that weak link is dreamer Becca Bass. Pretty, pampered, and terrified of just about everything involving life in West Texas, she escapes into the books her mother brought with her from her home in the East – tales of romance and manners and elegant gentlemen –things Becca’s sure are out of reach until New Yorker Morgan Daniels arrives at their dusty doorway to hire her father, the legendary Harmon Bass, to help him rescue his kidnapped father. But Harm is sidelined by an injury. Rather than let the opportunity escape, Becca steps up to fill his impossibly large and dangerous shadow. But what she doesn’t know could get them both killed.

Seeking to escape her lonely and sheltered life, shy Texas beauty Becca Bass joins New York attorney Morgan Daniels on a dangerous quest through the desert to rescue his father, who has been kidnapped. Original.

 The Excerpt 

As she lay at stiff attention, latching onto every whispered sound as a possible threat, the pain of missing the familiar rose up to clutch at an anxiously beating heart. She wished for her starched white sheets smelling fresh from the afternoon sun, for the murmurs from her parents’ bedroom—those husky love sounds that fed her romantic soul—even for her brother’s clumsy attempts at sneaking up the stairs under the influence of too much fun in town. All those things that were a big warm blanket of security had bundled about her since the day she was born. Without her family and their love close by, she suffered a pang of loneliness the likes of which she’d never experienced before. It echoed in her soul as mournfully as a coyote’s cry.

She had to wonder if this grand adventure was worth the anxieties it was putting her through.

And this was just the beginning.

As sleep claimed her, Becca decided romance was much prettier when painted by words within the imagination.

Ain’t that just the truth!! At least it’s her truth until she finds that grit that has sustained her family through generations.

As I’m finishing the read through of her and Morgan’s romance, I’m waxing sentimental about these characters, thinking maybe, just maybe another book or two is warranted. As I watch fall settle in outside my office window, I’m thinking just maybe I need to pull out those handwritten pages of Randall’s partially written story to keep me warm . . . Sigh!

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.

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Nancy on the Web


  1. "Becca decided romance was much prettier when painted by words within the imagination" - she's facing a rugged journey, sounds like she'll find the grit for it. Well done.

  2. Always love how you can paint mental images in your writing, Nancy. In just a paragraph you draw us in and make us feel we are there.

  3. You did a great job putting it all into words. I could go on reading!

  4. I really feel her loneliness. A great, emotional excerpt!

    1. Thanks, Kate! Becca wasn't an easy heroine for me because I like strong characters but she has an inner strength to balance out the rest of her family.

  5. I've found imaginary romance is always better. I've not had much luck in that department myself! Tweeted.
