IWSG: Websites/Blogs That Try TOO Hard

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Wednesday, February 07, 2024

IWSG: Websites/Blogs That Try TOO Hard

It’s not easy walking that fine line between Not Enough and Too Much when it comes to engaging with potential readers/your reading audience. Which leads to our February topic . . .

February 7th IWSG Question: What turns you off when visiting an author's website/blog? Lack of information? A drone of negativity? Little mention of author's books? Constant mention of books?

In author websites, in my opinion, less IS more, at least at first glance. Maybe it’s just my ADD/OCD but cluttery, in your face flashy things that all scream for your attention at once quickly lose mine. It’s like that neighbor’s house that has WAAAAAY too many lighted decorations or the obnoxious hawker of car deals in commercials who thinks shouting means "important." It was a lesson I learned in my first part-time job at a department store when decorating a display. Pick what’s important to the buyer to catch their attention then provide information about that item and how to find out MORE about.

Here are my personal Dos and Don’ts.


  1. Noise. Loud music or sounds that jump out at you the minute you open the screen. Be mindful of those who are browsing at work or late at night. Or have weak hearts! Better to have no sound or an option to opt-in to have a listen.
  2. Confusion. Make sure your first-time visitor knows who you are and what you’re “selling” right up front. Your Name, Author. Genre. Nuff said. Put your catchy slogan beneath that primary selling point. Nothing’s worse than having someone show up at your door saying they’re a neighbor then try to hawk cleaning products.
  3. Busyness! More is not necessarily better if it’s hard to navigate or overwhelming. Stick to clean, clear graphics and basic readable fonts that don’t distract from the information you want to convey. Let the reader get a taste of who you are through your choices of type, illustrations, and colors. Utilize sidebars that offer links to other pages and buying options. Keep it simple. Make it easy.
  4. Lack of Professionalism! Remember, many of your site visitors will be scrolling on the job so they may not appreciate candids filling their computer screen of your main characters locked in a naked embrace or vividly dismembering bad guys. Provide that steamy graphic in a more discrete size with the option of blowing it up (no pun intended).


  1. Easy access to information with clear top of screen or side bar links to searchable material.
  2. Home Page that’s inviting and not too busy, featuring latest title.
  3. Welcome Page including casual picture of author, friendly greeting, and invitation to learn more by listing what’s included on site with links.
  4. Author Bio, both long and short with usable professional photo.
  5. Book List of titles organized by genre/pen names/publisher giving ISBN and buy links.
  6. Newest Title Feature, including excerpts, reviews, publicity quotes, and buy links.
  7. PR Kit with all the info a publication or potential venue needs to know/have, i.e. professional publicity photo as well as a casual pose, long and short bio, booklist with links to product, professional awards/recognitions, and perhaps an excerpt from most recent work. AND the best way to contact you for more information!
Mainly, make your site uniquely YOURS! And update frequently, especially if you have a new title/sale. Geez, I’ve got to get my site Nancy Gideon...By Any Other Name updated ... right after I visit yours!

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time. The awesome co-hosts for the February 7th posting of the IWSG will be are Janet Alcorn, SE White, Victoria Marie Lees, and Cathrina Constantine!

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

Twitter hashtag is #IWSG


To join the IWSG Blog Hop and view the List of Hop Participants!


  1. I agree with your list of what you want to see on a website. I think it's a good idea to have a separate Contact tab for people to easily be able to contact the author in addition to the Press Kit page.

    1. It's like going into a store and having the fruit and vegetables in with the motor oil.

  2. Writer or author sites where the name is not at the top confuse me. How will people ever find your books if they don't know your name?

    1. I know, right. It's like talking to someone at a conference for a half hour and they haven't told you who they are. On they other hand, I don't like that bookmark thrust into my face the second they're within reach.

  3. You have a beautiful website, Nancy. And I agree. I need to be sure that I'm on the correct website, so I need the author's name front and center. And I don't like a lot of busyness either. Great post. Thanks!

  4. Yes, clutter has got to go. Several of us gave the same answer!

  5. Now, after reading your post, I feel I need to update my website. Urgently.

  6. Some great thought here I clearly need to update some aspects of my site. Some of what you mention does seem harder to achieve when trying to stick to free platforms!

  7. Great tips! I think my site is a little too busy, mostly because I'm not sure how to alter the size of some of the features that come with my WordPress theme. The press kit idea is great. I'm going to remember that for when (not if--when!) I publish something bigger than a short story and actually need one.

    Happy (belated) IWSG Day!

  8. I guess I should start working on my bio and that professional photo firstly🙃. Thank you for this!
