WeWriWa: A Series of Fortunate Events . . . Backlist Bonanza!

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Sunday, August 18, 2024

WeWriWa: A Series of Fortunate Events . . . Backlist Bonanza!

I’ve been organizing my office closet. Ordinarily onerous, this chore has become one of surprising encouragement at this point in my career. It’s kicked my flagging imagination back into gear . . . with possibilities. Besides taking up an incredible amount of space, the 80-plus titles housed there in longhand, manuscript and paperback form have opened a portal from past to future. I’ve got a goldmine in backlist titles just waiting to be reissued! Sounds like a jackpot where I’d just have to sit back and rake in the dough. Ummmm, not quite. Backlist comes with its own back pain, mainly digging out the original contracts to read ALL of the fine print regarding reversion of rights. Now, I’m glad I’m such a hoarder. Then again, in many cases we’re talking from 10-15 years ago! Time to go treasure hunting in my desk cupboards and file drawers . . .

In the meantime, I’ve been reading some of those older titles and am surprised(!) by how quickly I’m pulled into the story as if for the first time . . . by any other name, as I wrote under three pseudonyms as well as my own name. It’s only fitting that I begin with where I started . . . Regency romance as Lauren Giddings in 1987 with my first book, SWEET TEMPEST. Here’s a taste:

Published: July 12, 2015
Length: 262 Pages

A crafty scheme that doesn't exactly go as planned . . .

A Thief of hearts . . .
A female of Tempest Swift's brains and beauty should be fending off suitors, not hiding in the shadows boldly robbing coaches. But lean times leave her with a family to provide for . . . until shot from her horse while making her escape. Waking as the pampered prisoner of a sinfully handsome gentleman has her pulse pounding for all the wrong reasons. His suggestion she be his mistress is shocking enough, but he has more on his clever mind . . .

A Desperate noble . . .
Cut from a longed for inheritance due to hell-bent living, a foiled robbery provides Connor Amberson with an daring solution, passing off a ragamuffin thief as his long-lost cousin to win back his grandfather's favor. But producing the supposed sole survivor of a tragic accident stirs dangerous troubles, both from those hungry to inherit and within Connor's jaded heart, as his true reward becomes something he never expected . . . until about to lose it.

 The Excerpt 

The carriage had been a fancy one, pulled by a sleek pair. In the blackness, Eddie's teeth flashed white in a hopeful smile before masked by a rough cotton square. She’d known his thoughts: Let it be a rich take.

The fine garb of the coach's passengers seemed to bear that out, and her heart had begun an excited race as a wealth of coin was offered up. So much, she’d almost moaned gratefully. It would go far toward meeting the dangerous debt.

 She’d made a silent pact with her conscience never to look upon the faces of those she robbed, to concentrate instead on the goods that weighed down the sack. This night, she’d glanced up unwittingly and had known the folly of it as her pulse gave an odd jump at the cool stare bearing down into her own. It had been too dark to discern more than a shadowy outline, but an odd play of light from the coach's lanterns had glinted off that piercing stare like sunlight on cold, bared steel. Shivering uncontrollably, she’d run back to where Eddie nervously waited.

As their ancient nag bore them away with its bone-rattling gait, she’d caught another silvery flash. Then the world exploded into vivid spots of color, flaring to engulf her senses. Then only blackness. 

A reprint with another publisher has this oldie but goody title still available to whisk the reader away on a spirited jaunt from a roadside robbery to an elegant Regency household and rough-and-tumble London backstreets as the heart races to find and hold onto what it really wants.

Until next week . . . Happy writing!

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.

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Nancy on the Web


  1. What a difference in covers!
    Interesting snippet, nice hook ;-)

    1. Thanks, Iris! The early cover reflects the subdued genre, the newer one my take on it - a bit spicier and more like a regular historical than traditional Regency.

  2. That's great that you see so many possibilities for older manuscripts and published stories.

    1. Now to get in gear and get through through the hard work of repackaging after revising.

  3. Intriguing snippet. Felt we were with her the whole way. Let's see if she makes it.

  4. That is a great hook! As always, Nancy, wonderful writing!
