WeWriWa: A Good Man Buried in Bad Deeds . . . BETRAYED BY SHADOWS

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Sunday, June 11, 2023

WeWriWa: A Good Man Buried in Bad Deeds . . . BETRAYED BY SHADOWS

Ever since I was old enough to watch dramas on TV, I found myself reluctantly rooting for the bad guys - not the psychotic, series killer type, but the decent honorable folk forced into doing wrong for the good of others. I find self-sacrifice a seriously sexy trait! What could be a greater altruism than walking a dark path so others can enjoy the light. And my favorite conflicted bad guy has always been loyal wiseguy bodyguard Giles St. Clair from my “By Moonlight” shapeshifter series who discovers walking on the dark side to save his family comes with an unexpected benefit: the chance to “babysit” his best friend’s troublesome sister. How big a problem could she such a lovely lady possibly become . . .?

 The Excerpt 

“I’d like you to keep an eye on my sister.”

“As pleasant a task as that might be, she’s a big girl who doesn’t look like she needs a babysitter.”

“Wrong on both counts.” Silas paced to the rail and Giles waited for him to continue. “I love my sister, but she is the most maddening female. Given a good or a bad choice, she’ll inevitably pick the bad one, whether it’s words or actions or men.”

Giles began to think being a bad guy might have its advantages.

“She’s going to be staying here until I get back and have time to decide what to do with her.”

“Staying here?” His heart rate took a giant leap. “What kind of trouble could she get into?”

Adoring Giles St. Clair might have something to do with the fact that he’s a clannish Cajun from New Orleans who occasionally slips from his educated speech into the earthy patois of the Bayou. Sigh . . . That accent was one of the reasons I began my 15-Book “By Moonlight” series. And I can’t WAIT until November to head back to Nawlins to get an earful! In the meantime, I’ll have to settle for re-issuing books 4 through 8 to get those Good Times rolling again. I’ll keep you posted as re-release dates get closer!!

Laissie les bon temps rouler!!

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.

Spread the word, share the love, warriors - Hashtag #8sunday.

Nancy on the Web


  1. I hope the good times will roll for you soon. Interesting snippet this week!

  2. I love his cocky attitude! "Giles began to think being a bad guy might have its advantages." He does sound like a lot of fun to write! Great snippet! Tweeted.

  3. I was just in Nawlins. Spend part of a day in the French Quarter and had planned to go around to a couple of plantations, but struck out because of the holiday. As for the snippet, not much can come of having to go into hiding...

    1. Sorry about my post. Somehow I deleted the content. I fixed it, if you'd like to go back. https://momentsfortheheart.com/2023/06/10/weekend-writing-warriors-so-whats-next/

    2. I remember flying in just after Katrina thinking "Oh this isn't so bad" until our plane looped around and we saw all the devastation. Broke my heart. But those remarkable folk rebuilt and continued. Did all the plantation tours during my first few visits during writers conferences. My favorite was the Bayou when an alligator was eying my white tennis shoes thinking they were one of the marshmellows the guides throw to coax them up to the boats. Yikes! He was a big boy.

  4. It sounds like he's just waiting for the opportunity with her. :-) Shades of gray characters are my favorite. Like you, I tend to love the protagonists!

    1. I mean the antagonists! It's getting late. LOL

    2. Absolutely! They are the BEST. The rules of hero good behavior don't apply which makes them infinitely interesting!
