WeWriWa: Take a (fang) BITE out of this Tasty MIDNIGHT ENCHANTMENT $0.99 SALE!

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Sunday, October 29, 2023

WeWriWa: Take a (fang) BITE out of this Tasty MIDNIGHT ENCHANTMENT $0.99 SALE!

A dead (literally!) sexy dark hero, a gutsy, desperate, and driven heroine in a historical Turn of the Century setting I can’t wait to return to (at the end of this month!!) all in one spine tingling setting – New Orleans! Gerardo Pascale first appeared as a villain in the original trio of my Midnight vampire romance series – a villain who quickly became my favorite character (I DO love a bad boy!!). He was just too good to waste. Scarred and in hiding, he’s been living undetected by the human world – until an unscrupulous bargain binds him in unholy matrimony to a woman carrying another man’s child. Here’s a tasty nibble from MIDNIGHT ENCHANTMENT . . .

Midnight Enchantment (Touched by Midnight - Book 4)

Published: May 3, 2011
Length: 230 Pages

 The Excerpt 

“Now, I may not be able to convince anyone that you are a . . . a vampire, sir, but, if I give this information to the newspapers, they will hound you unmercifully, and without access to your monies, you’ll have no means to flee the city.”

Silence as the dark night creature pondered this, unperturbed, and that alarmed Percy, as did the words that followed.

“And if I were to just tear out your throat before you could give that information to anyone?”

The casual way he presented Percy’s death made the lawyer’s blood run icy because it was no idle threat when dealing with a dangerous being who’d survived centuries by preying upon human lives, and would snatch his soul without a moment’s remorse. But prepared for that, too, solicitor told him, “The original papers are in a safe place with instructions to turn them over to the authorities should anything happen to me, and be assured, they might not believe what you are, sir, but they take murder very seriously.”

A frustration of rage pulsed from Gerardo Pasquale in palpable waves. Suddenly, Percy knew an instant of true terror as the solidity of Pasquale’s figure seemed to flicker before his eyes, becoming so faint as to be transparent, edges shifting, transforming into something else, something horrible, alien and monstrous, but exactly what was not quite clear. Standing frozen, Percy feared he’d made an irrevocable error in believing himself safe.

Then, to his relief, Pasquale assumed his human shape once again and with a deadly quiet, asked, “What do you want?”

“I want you to marry my sister.”

Hmmmm! A vampire in the family . . . How’s that going to work out? Not as planned, I guarantee!

While you’re devouring ME, I’ll be trying to stuff my entire wardrobe into a travel suitcase and sighing over my five-day agenda for a vacay in New Orleans! Warning: Pictures to come!! And maybe another NOLA-set book or two . . . historical, contemporary, suspense, paranormal? Which would you like to read?



  1. A bit of an intense snippet until the last line ... whether it was your intention, i don't know, but it made me chuckle ;-)

  2. So he is afraid of the creature who obviously would kill him if he had a chance but still wants him to marry his sister? The guy has to be crazy!

  3. Nice snippet. Could feel his rage building. Have a great trip. Great timing too.

  4. great snippet, intense - a vampire in the family? trouble is on the way...

  5. I love this line: “And if I were to just tear out your throat before you could give that information to anyone?” So Gerardo!
