WeWriWa: Following TEMPTATION’S TRAIL . . .

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Sunday, November 12, 2023

WeWriWa: Following TEMPTATION’S TRAIL . . .

Where does one go for inspiration—to the source. I’m back from a busy, fantastic, and all too short working vacay in New Orleans. It’s no secret that NOLA is my favorite place – the music, the food . . . the history! In just five days packed fuller than my suitcase, my assistant (who’d never been before) and I explored, toured by streetcar, and overindulged in the local cuisine to get the feel of the city and, as we cabbed to the airport for the trip home, got a whiff of wildfire smoke heading its way from Texas. A six-hour Chicago airport delay later (never my favorite end to a vacay but better than at the beginning!), I got home at midnight glad to be in my own bed. Then up early, raring to bring first my Bass family five-book saga and then books 4-8 of my NOLA-set By Moonlight series back to life with at least one new edition to each series.

My love affair with Texas started back in 1993 with a most unlikely hero. Meet Harmon Bass in TEMPTATION’S TRAIL . . .

A person and horse in front of a mountain

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 The Excerpt 

He studied the toes of his boots for a moment, building up to something. “About the money.”

“We agreed on one thousand dollars. I’ll have it for you when I see my brother again.”

He looked up. Blue, she noticed with some surprise, his eyes were blue, not a fierce black, but blue as searingly clear and intense as the midday West Texas sky in startling contrast to the darkness of his complexion.

“I was hoping to get it upfront.”

Amanda smiled. She may not have had a great deal of worldly experience, but money was one thing she understood very well, having handled it all her life. “Mr. Bass, I don’t know you from Adam. If I handed you a thousand dollars, I’d have no guarantee of ever seeing you again.”

“You have my word on it.”

“I’m sorry, but that’s not enough.”

( . . . and a bit more . . .)

Not so much as a muscle twitched in his impassive face, his expression suddenly granite hard. “How do I know you’ll pay me once the job’s done, especially if the news I bring back isn’t good?”

“I guess you’ll just have to trust me.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Duncan, but I’m not that trusting, either.”

“Well, it seems we’re at a standoff unless you’ll agree to another proposition.” She could feel his tension as he waited and watched her. “I’ll give you five hundred dollars now for a horse, supplies, and all expenses. And I’ll pay you the full thousand dollars when the job’s done.”

“I already have a horse.”

“But I don’t, and I’ll be going with you.”

Part of the hard work bringing my Texas series back into print is the fact that I have no text to work with (the book galleys and handwritten original manuscripts from those five books long since lost over several decades and moves). I’m hoping scanning technology will step up to fill that void. Then, there are new covers to make – and that I’m looking forward to!

The other project I’m dying to get into is rereleasing my By Moonlight books #4-8 – hence the trip to NOLA, my inspirational source material! I know, that’s a full plate . . . but then I like knowing where my next meal will be coming from!

Now, off to see what you’re up to . . .

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  1. What a fabulous trip! I love New Orleans, too. And I like your savvy heroine, great move. Good luck with the scanning/recreating process!

    1. Thanks, Adriana! Tech is not my forte but thankful I have a very clever virtual asst. Looking over my pictures from NOLA -- Sigh!

  2. I have never been to New Orleans, so I still have that trip to look forward to. It sounds absolutely fabulous. So does your H/h. They certainly seem evenly matched as far as spunk and determination goes! Can't wait to read more. Good luck on your re-creation of the lost books! Tweeted

    1. It's a dirty job, rebuilding a book, but hopefully worth it. I also have a fantastic VA to help me.

  3. Oh, I wonder whether he likes that idea :-) Nice compromise, though !
