WeWriWa: Cuddle up with a December Sale – TOTALLY YOURS now $0.99!!

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Sunday, December 17, 2023

WeWriWa: Cuddle up with a December Sale – TOTALLY YOURS now $0.99!!

When is the best time to think about tropical weather? When the frigid wind blows in another Michigan winter! Brrrr! I’m ready to snuggle under the covers with a SALE!! Travel with me on a dream cruise to the Caribbean with two unlikely lonely hearts - one a mega-successful entrepreneur and the other, the shy, resigned to being single winner of his lavish makeover vacation who has just discovered that her dream vacay comes with promotional strings attached – involving the dynamic businessman. Here’s a taste . . .

Preview Book
Published: July 23, 2014
Length: 196 Pages

 The Excerpt 

Lisa took the 5 x 7s he extracted from his jacket pocket. They were some of the shots from the atrium and they looked as hot as the setting. The first was of her alone in the Jaccuzi, her hair up in a dark sexy disarray and skin gleamed with perspiration, not a trace of her bathing suit showing through the choppy water of the tub. She stared at it disbelieving for a long moment, as if that sultry model was someone she didn’t know. In the next picture she was with Harlan. She smiled because he looked so ridiculous plopped down in the center of the whirlpool in all his clothes, grinning like he didn’t care. Then she went to the next one and her smile faded.

It was of them making the suggested eye contact. Her arms were around his neck and for all intents and purposes, she looked naked. But that wasn’t what shocked her. It wasn’t the way they looked, it was how they were doing the looking. 

(…and a bit more…)

Was that what everyone else had seen? The two of them so lost in each other they gave off more steam than the heated water? Dizzily, Lisa realized the photo stripped bare all the complexities of her heart, right down to the urgent hunger that gleamed in her eyes and was reflected back in Harlan’s.

A strange hollow sensation stirred in her stomach as if the bottom had fallen out of it. She’d once heard that a camera didn’t lie. Was this the truth, then? Was this what lay beneath the confusion Harlan incited, this graphic display of sweltering desire? Her whole body felt weak. Her emotions churned like the tempestuous water and she couldn’t drag her eyes from that revealing exposé.

“Has Harlan seen this yet?” Her voice was faint with anxiety.

“Not yet.”

She rolled the photo between agitated hands. “I’d rather he didn’t see this one. I mean, it’s not as though you’d ever use it in the campaign. I wouldn’t want any wrong ideas—”

Teddy held up his hand to curtail her awkward explanation. He didn’t need to hear it. What was in that picture was crystal clear. “Sure, Lisa. No problem.” As she smiled in limp gratitude, he didn’t have the heart to tell her that this was the mildest one of the three Moe had developed. The other two were in a stack in Harlan’s stateroom waiting for his attention. 

And they’d get it, too.

The fun thing about TOTALLY YOURS is that I conceived of the idea in the Chicago airport waiting for a flight to be called to Miami where my sister, a friend, and I would be vacaying on an island cruise around the Caribbean. Over the next week, I’d sneak out of bed in our cabin, and while my two roommates slept, sat out on the windy terrace with either my laptop or a pad of paper and scribbled down dialog and scenes while the sun came up over the water! A dirty job, I know! Nothing like onsite research.

By the time we got back to Michigan, I had only to connect the scenes and do a final edit before submitting to my editor. I can safely say the research was the reward, and every time I read TOTALLY YOURS, I’m right back there on that Lido Deck basking in the romance! Talk about a great mini-vacay!

Now, back to reality and read throughs of the Dana Ransom Western romances I’m going to be reissuing . . . Happy Holidays!!!

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.

Spread the word, share the love, warriors - Hashtag #8sunday.

Nancy on the Web


  1. So much info packed into this marvelous sentence: "Lisa realized the photo stripped bare all the complexities of her heart, right down to the urgent hunger that gleamed in her eyes and was reflected back in Harlan’s."

    1. If it wasn't for commas, I don't know how I'd write!

  2. Great teaser. Loved the snippet.

  3. Just from this snippet I can tell this is one HOT romance! Makes me want to go on a research cruise of my own--unfortunately not many available during the Regency! LOL Tweeted. And Happy Holidays!
