WeWriWa: He’s Baaaack! Max returns in a BOUND BY MOONLIGHT Reissue . . . Complete with New Scenes!

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Sunday, December 03, 2023

WeWriWa: He’s Baaaack! Max returns in a BOUND BY MOONLIGHT Reissue . . . Complete with New Scenes!

WeWriWa: He’s Baaaack! Max returns in a BOUND BY MOONLIGHT Reissue . . . Complete with New Scenes!

It’s hard to keep a great hero down. Ever since RISE BY MOONLIGHT, the 15th and “final” book of my “By Moonlight” shapeshifter series, was issued back in 2020, I’ve gotten continual requests for More Max! Far be it from me to say no. Having gotten the rights back to books 4-8 from Pocket Books, it’s time I started getting these five books back out there. They make the bridge from the original three titles to my self-pubbed books, filling in the gaps . . . with some all new material! Deleted scenes. NEW scenes. Enriched scenes that were trimmed for length for the original publication format. And new covers! Drum roll . . . Feast your eyes on BOUND BY MOONLIGHT. Now available on Kindle!

It’s who I am . . .
Charlotte Caissie knows little about normal relationships. Driven by duty, she’s followed her father’s footsteps as an NOPD detective, compelled to see justice done . . . until a kiss from Max Savoie has her sharing his dresser drawers and making media news as his girlfriend. He expects things she can’t give, like commitment, trust. And a family. How did she lose control of her life to an enigmatic man who inherited a criminal empire . . . and is not even human?

It's what I am . . .
Max Savoie struggles to be what everyone expects of him, a difficult task when he doesn’t know who or what he is. His only certainty is his love for Charlotte Caissie. When a deadly situation threatens their city, CeeCee calls upon Max’s preternatural talents to find the serial killer holding a colleague’s daughter hostage, a move that could risk exposing him for what he is . . . something more monster than man.

Enjoy Romance . . . By Moonlight!

“Bound by Moonlight has everything I want in a romance! Sizzling passion, a sexy hero, and a paranormal love to last the ages.” – Gena Showalter, New York Times bestselling author

 The Excerpt 

A local band was doing an admirable job on a variety of cover songs.  Strands of tiny lights crisscrossed above couples dancing on the street. One hand on her waist, the other engulfing hers, Max moved her in long, graceful steps to the Cajun waltz La Valse des Chere Bebe. As the sweeping tempo of the music and the heat of his touch worked magic upon her mood, Cee Cee forgot the cameras, the whispers.  There was only Max, and a resurgence of the way she’d felt dancing with him barefoot on his lawn amongst his feral clan.

Gazing up at him, her heart in her eyes, she smiled at the novelty of being in love. At the irony of being in love with probably the most inappropriate male she could ever have imagined.  He smiled back, a slow, sexy curve that betrayed the similar state of his own heart and promised her everything she’d been looking for. Those watching covertly got a quick glimpse of what went on between them behind closed doors, between smooth sheets.

Don’t you just LOVE this new cover my virtual assistant made for me!!! It captures all of the Grrrrrrowl that is Max Savoie. Now, to get on to the facelifts for next books in the series . . . after seeing what my fellow WeWriWa pals have been doing . . .

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.

Spread the word, share the love, warriors - Hashtag #8sunday.

Nancy on the Web


  1. Absolutely gorgeious cover--and WOW, if that's Max, then Cee Cee is one lucky gal! Great, romantic snippet this week! I forgot to sign up, but if you'd like to check my snippet out, here's the link: https://jennajaxon.wordpress.com/2023/12/03/weekend-writing-warriors-12-03-2023-yule-be-mine-a-womans-feelings/

  2. The most inappropriate male - that's always so much fun! Great new cover, too!

    1. Thanks, Kate. I love going through graphics for covers and ads. A non-pretty boy cover model is very hard to find!
