WeWriWa: The R's have It - Recycle, Reissue, Rebuild, Relax

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Sunday, January 07, 2024

WeWriWa: The R's have It - Recycle, Reissue, Rebuild, Relax

Finally! All the fuss and furious industry of the holiday season is over. Decorations are repacked and heading down to storage, holiday CDs are out of my car, the tree is bare and ready to be broken down. Sigh . . . it’s hard to say goodbye to my favorite time of year. Unless there’s something to look forward to. And this year, I’m going Green. I’m recycling! Look out, Book Backlist – Here I come! I’m putting you back to work!

While I wait to hear from my new editor on a new two-book contemporary submission (Welcome to HQ, Emma! I’ll miss you, Patience!!), I’m housecleaning. Time to start reissuing that backlist. And a great place to start is with my “By Moonlight” shapeshifter series. While book four, BOUND BY MOONLIGHT, is getting its final packaging tweaks, I’m diving into one of my favorites from all 80 of my titles. HUNTER OF SHADOWS brings a new hero into the “By Moonlight” world, and shapeshifter/NOPD cop Silas MacCreedy is a delightfully smart and hunky surprise . . . to both me and the hard-as-nails assassin he stumbles upon by eye-opening accident. Here’s a taste . . .

Published: November 29, 2011
Length: 418 Pages

 The Excerpt 

There was no change in his tone, but Nica felt his focus move from flirtatiously personal to professional high ground.  Her eyes narrowed slightly. She didn’t want to consider him a threat that she’d have to deal with in a manner not quite as enjoyable as this meeting had been so far.  

“I’m working as a waitress at Cheveux de Chien.

He wasn’t buying it.  “And you can afford a posh place like this on tips?”

“I’m very frugal with my money.”

“And with your facts.”

“Is this going to be an interrogation, or would you like to come inside so it can develop into something more pleasant?” Her body language altering ever so slightly, she leaned toward him with a hint of invitation, her lips parting, her gaze warming suggestively. 

In response, his posture changed as well, straightening to put a cautious distance between them. It took Nica a moment to realize he was refusing her offer. 

( . . . and a teasy bit more . . . )

She laughed to cover her surprise . . . and disappointment. Honorable males were so difficult. Especially when they were smart.

“Why did you coax those men into the alley to kill them?”

She blinked in pretended surprise. “Why would you think that?  Those men attacked me. You saw that for yourself.  Who knows what might have happened if you hadn’t come along when you did.”

“I suspect that’s what LaRoche’s men are asking themselves now that they have had four bodies to contend with. I not sure what you are, but innocent isn’t one of them.”

He’s got her number. Let’s hope she doesn’t decided to make him unlisted! I’ll keep you posted on the timeframe for reissues and updates on the romantic suspense hopefuls.

Happy 2024!

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.

Spread the word, share the love, warriors - Hashtag #8sunday.

Nancy on the Web


  1. Boy, does he ever have her number! What delightful chemistry, though, just in ten sentences. Fabulous snippet! Tweeted.

  2. Happy New Year. And yes I miss Xmas as well, especially having my daughters around ;-)
    Loved the snippet. Quite some characters :-)
