WeWriWa: The Cost of Bravery – LOVE’S OWN REWARD – On S*A*L*E for just $0.99!!

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Saturday, May 18, 2024

WeWriWa: The Cost of Bravery – LOVE’S OWN REWARD – On S*A*L*E for just $0.99!!

We like to think that if a dangerous moment demanded it, we’d rise to the occasion without thought to personal consequence. But journalist Jess Randall knows that’s more fiction than truth . . . until he’s proven wrong . . .

Preview Book

Published: May 27, 2014
Length: 190 Pages

Her act of courage destroys everything . . .
Charlene “Charley” Carter risked her life to rescue a child from a burning car. Suddenly, the quiet research assistant becomes a media darling—and a half-million dollars richer, thanks to the boy’s grateful grandparents. But big money brings big moochers and bigger betrayals. Charley retreats, wounded and suspicious about the motives of even those dearest to her.

He doesn’t trust that she’s for real . . .
Jess McMasters exposes frauds for a living, and if it means using his charms as well as his tough skills as a journalist, no problem. What’s Charlene Carter trying to gain by refusing to be interviewed by the press? Is she angling for more money—or is she hiding secrets that prove she’s nobody’s hero?

Jess goes undercover to get close to her, but the closer he gets, the less he understands. Except this: the cost for his deception could be his own heart.

 The Excerpt 

It was the bravest damn thing he’d ever seen. She was only a little bit of a thing, so delicate she might have been confused with a girl. He could remember every finely-cut line of her face as she’d dashed in front of his stopped car; so small and yet possessed of a courage that put the rest of them to shame. While others watched, himself included, she’d scrambled into the compact, heedless of the danger, to bring out the little boy . . . and if that wasn’t enough, she’d gone back toward certain death in an effort to save the kid’s parents. She couldn’t, of course. Jess had known that the moment he saw the fuel ignite, but it hadn’t stopped her from trying. She’d fought him like a madwoman when he’d pulled her away, barely seconds before she’d have been engulfed in the same fiery ball that consumed the car. Such amazing strength in such a tiny package. He’d been awed by her. 

(. . . and a bit more . . .)

Until this event had played out before his disbelieving eyes, he’d shunned stories of heroism. Then he’d felt the frantic beat of her big, big heart against his chest. He’d felt the helpless trembling of her despair as he held her in his arms. And never had anything touched him so strongly, so powerfully, so tenderly as that moment. As that woman.

Why had she taken the money?

Writing as Dana Ransom, LOVE’S OWN REWARD was the first of four contemporary romances I published with BelleBooks, where I also wrote paranormals for their ImaJinn Books line under my own name. As one of the first independent small presses to bring a diverse range of titles to avid readers, I was thrilled to be included amongst its authors.

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.

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Nancy on the Web


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Not until our writers' weekend is over!! Work first, then play!

  2. This is an exciting excerpt! Sounds like he's going to learn a lot about her.

    1. Sorry I forgot to sign in before I commented. :-)

  3. Exciting excerpt. You could feel the tension.
