WeWriWa: Happy HOT Spring Weather . . . and Book SALE!

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Sunday, June 23, 2024

WeWriWa: Happy HOT Spring Weather . . . and Book SALE!

Sorry I’ve been MIA the last few weeks. Mostly, it’s been family stuff, but also a sad gathering of my writers’ group at a memorial for the husband of one of them whom we all adored. Though he struggled with Parkinson’s, he still wrote, performed and produced cool jazz CDs under WaldinoMusic and was the ultimate host. RIP Walter!

While I haven’t been whipping out new chapters on my Western WIP, I’ve been going through my backlist, especially the historical and paranormal series that I’ve gotten my rights back to, to get them ready to reissue – an exciting but exhausting process. Thank goodness for my VA who always makes me look good. Can’t wait to start playing with new covers! Still . . . I can’t ignore those titles that are popping up on sale so I’m hyping one of my favorites from my Touched by Midnight vampire series – MIDNIGHT SURRENDER – on SALE for only $0.99 through the end of the month. It’s a favorite because it features my continuing hero/anti-hero vampires Louis and Gerard in Turn-of-the-Century New York City, and a heroine who is in the newspaper business. Just the thing to get lost in while enjoying air conditioning! Here’s a tease ... featuring delicious villain, Gerardo Pasquale ...

Midnight Surrender (Touched by Midnight - Book 3)

Published: October 1, 2015
Length: 236 Pages

Hunt or be hunted . . . A centuries old obsession stalks a noble family fighting to hide their dark secret from an ever-changing world. Sink your teeth into Nancy Gideon's Touched by Midnight series.

A Reckless Quest . . .
A savage killer stalks the dark streets of turn-of-the-century New York. To keep her father’s newspaper afloat, publisher Cassie Alexander chases the story. But what she catches is a madman’s attention.

A Dark Deception . . .
When her reclusive neighbor Louis Radcliffe rescues her from an attack, Cassie finds her vow of independence shaken by the strong attraction between them. It’s an attraction Louis denies, even as the invalid grandmother he cares for pushes to bring them together—for reasons that will break both their hearts.

An Inevitable Sacrifice . . . .
Determined to hide his secrets from her, Louis soon becomes the cornerstone of Cassie’s investigation. He can’t allow her stubbornness to place her life—and his immortal soul—in danger. But as much as he tries to keep her safe in his arms, it soon becomes evident that Cassie’s become a target. And Louis has no choice but to find out if their love is strong enough to withstand the truth . . . .

“Gripping! Readers are pulled into a whirlwind while surrendering their souls!”— Gothic Journal

“Darkly sensual and suspenseful Midnight Surrender is nothing short of special! Lovers of vampire romances take notice!”—The Literary Times

“Gideon mesmerizes with this chilling tale. You’ll read it and read it again. Superb!”— Rendezvous

 The Excerpt 

“Buena sera, cara mia.”

With that familiar croon, he advanced into the room, graceful, sleek and deadly. Blackness surrendered him into the light by slow, almost reluctant degrees: A portion of one smooth, white cheek, the momentary dazzle of pale eyes, a twist of his bland smile, and then he was standing like a dark angel at the foot of her bed, Gerardo Pasquale, her husband’s once dear and unquestionably oldest friend . . . and without a doubt, one of the most unpredictably dangerous beings she’d ever encountered. One didn’t summon him without the feeling of having conjured a demon.

Louis had killed him in the early fifteen hundreds in a sword duel over a treacherous woman . . . only Gerardo hadn’t stayed buried. He hunted the world of the living, feeding off it with an amoral abandon at the side of the beautiful ghoul who had stolen both his and his young friend, Luigino Rodmini’s souls. He had no care for humankind and treated them with the indifferent contempt of one far superior, suffering from none of the guilt that tortured Louis. He killed with a careless pleasure, toying with his victims with the ruthlessness of a cat without a tug of remorse or a moment of regret. Nor did he harbor a sense of affinity for any other creature . . . with the exception of her, Louis, and their daughter, Nicole. Toward them, his heart could never completely harden, and though Arabella was rightly cautious, she had no real fear of her visitor.

After all, a demon was exactly what she needed.

Oooooh. I just got a chill (In this almost 90-degree heat, it felt darn good!).

The only problem with MIDNIGHT SURRENDER was reminding myself that Louis was the hero! I do LOVE a sleek and sexy (even if undead!) villain. Which is why Louis and Gerard are recurring characters in the series, with Gerard getting his own shot at being the (dark) star in a later title.

Happy Reading and Happy Summer!!

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.

Spread the word, share the love, warriors - Hashtag #8sunday.

Nancy on the Web


  1. Wow - what a description of him, intense, sexy and intriguing

    1. Sigh . . . yes, indeed he is. Gerardo, sigh . . . A delightful villain who has his own comeuppance in MIDNIGHT ENCHANTMENT, one of my favorites from the series.

  2. Intriguing and chilling indeed. Great snippet.
