WeWriWa: Last Chance to Surrender to a Great Read . . . on S*A*L*E!

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Sunday, June 30, 2024

WeWriWa: Last Chance to Surrender to a Great Read . . . on S*A*L*E!

If you haven’t picked up your copy of MIDNIGHT SURRENDER for only $0.99, the clock is ticking down fast on this final day. In case you need one last push, consider this gentle shove . . .

Midnight Surrender (Touched by Midnight - Book 3)

Published: October 1, 2015
Length: 236 Pages

Hunt or be hunted . . . A centuries old obsession stalks a noble family fighting to hide their dark secret from an ever-changing world. Sink your teeth into Nancy Gideon's Touched by Midnight series.

A Reckless Quest . . .
A savage killer stalks the dark streets of turn-of-the-century New York. To keep her father’s newspaper afloat, publisher Cassie Alexander chases the story. But what she catches is a madman’s attention.

A Dark Deception . . .
When her reclusive neighbor Louis Radcliffe rescues her from an attack, Cassie finds her vow of independence shaken by the strong attraction between them. It’s an attraction Louis denies, even as the invalid grandmother he cares for pushes to bring them together—for reasons that will break both their hearts.

An Inevitable Sacrifice . . . .
Determined to hide his secrets from her, Louis soon becomes the cornerstone of Cassie’s investigation. He can’t allow her stubbornness to place her life—and his immortal soul—in danger. But as much as he tries to keep her safe in his arms, it soon becomes evident that Cassie’s become a target. And Louis has no choice but to find out if their love is strong enough to withstand the truth . . . .

“Gripping! Readers are pulled into a whirlwind while surrendering their souls!”— Gothic Journal

“Darkly sensual and suspenseful Midnight Surrender is nothing short of special! Lovers of vampire romances take notice!”—The Literary Times

“Gideon mesmerizes with this chilling tale. You’ll read it and read it again. Superb!”— Rendezvous

 The Excerpt 

Cassie regarded the group in her parlor, trying to shake off the odd sense of uneasiness.  Something was not . . . right about them.  Perhaps it was the way they moved, a weightless drifting that carried them about the room as noiselessly as shadows, or the hypnotic stillness that settled when they stopped. The four of them—Louis included—seemed out of place and time in her mother's cluttered decorating scheme, like restless fireflies brought into the house.  

Or was it the way they were all so aware of her, following her with unblinking gazes until a shiver of gooseflesh rose upon her arms.  It wasn't hostility or even curiosity she sensed, but something else, something basic and dark . . . something dangerous.

"Might I fix you some refreshment?" she asked, nervous in her role of hostess.

"What a generous offer," the youngest woman purred in a way that was both mocking and intimidating.

"Rica!" Marchand admonished softly, then he smiled at Cassie to assure, "You need not go to any trouble for us."

"Some tea might be nice," Louis interjected, “to cut the chill. If it's no bother."

"No, no bother," she insisted, eager to exit the room.

( . . . and  tempting taste more . . . )

"This mortal woman, who is she?" Frederica wanted to know.  What is she to you? was her unspoken question.

"As I said, she was a friend of Bella's who has offered me shelter for the time being."


"Rica, your manners!" Marchand scolded.  "Forgive her rudeness, Louis.  She has had too indulgent an upbringing."

"Does she know what we are, Father?"

"No, Nicole, and I would prefer she remain ignorant of it.  She is nothing, so there is no reason for her to know.”

But watching his expression, Nicole knew that protest to be entirely false.  She just wasn't sure what she thought of her father's interest in another woman . . . a mortal woman, so close to her mother's burial.  Before she could ask more questions, Marchand came up behind her to offer the support of his strong embrace.  He kissed her temple, but the censure was there in his unvoiced warning. Do not pry, cher.  And so she would not.  At least, not yet.

One of the things I adored about this series were the family dynamics – even within a family as . . . unusual as this one. If I hadn’t already brought the series to a satisfying close, I’d be tempted to revisit those shadowed streets. But wait . . . it will be back! With another sale in mid-July – taking a step back – way baaack to post-Revolution Paris with the prior book featuring Fredrica’s parents. Time to pull out my bootlegged copy of Les Miserables to get in the mood.

Happy Summer!!

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.

Spread the word, share the love, warriors - Hashtag #8sunday.

Nancy on the Web


  1. Not YET. Interesting snippet with such different characters.

  2. You write this family dynamic so well! They are a Very interesting family, one I want to get to know--at least on the page. LOL Tweeted.

  3. They're not a usual family for sure, but they way they interact with each other is realistic for all families. I love this series!

    1. Thanks, Kate! It's like coming home working with these characters.

  4. Agree with Jenna. Great family dynamic and great snippet.

  5. This part of your snippet intrigued me: Perhaps it was the way they moved, a weightless drifting that carried them about the room as noiselessly as shadows, or the hypnotic stillness that settled when they stopped. The four of them—Louis included—seemed out of place and time in her mother's cluttered decorating scheme, like restless fireflies brought into the house. <-- Restless fireflies, indeed. Well done.
