IWSG – Superstition

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Wednesday, October 02, 2024

IWSG – Superstition

My favorite time of year – crisp air, blazing tree leaves, cool nights for sleeping . . . and superstitions creeping. I LOVE me some Halloween. The scary stories, the decorations (of which we have BOXES!), the spooky and the silly movies (of which I have an entire shelf!).

Two day ago, I got totally distracted from everything else by a small black cat who showed up on our back patio. A beautiful kitty with huge yellow eyes. Though I already have three cats, all of them orphaned or abandoned, I started planning to take in one more. But the kitty had other ideas. Though she loved the food and fresh water, the waterproof shelter on our porch and watching us with interest, I have yet to get close enough to pet her. But I won’t give up. Because there’s nothing worse in my book than a lost, lonely cat who is hungry and afraid (unless, of course, it’s a child).

So in my efforts to ingratiate myself to this little creature, all else fell away. Until I turned on my computer this morning. How could it be the first Wednesday of the month already? Mia culpa!!

Looking forward to reading your posts – even if it’s outside in the cold trying to tame a wondering kitty.

Happy Halloween in advance. Let the decorating begin!!

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time. The awesome co-hosts for the October 1st posting of the IWSG will be are are Nancy Gideon, Jennifer Lane, Jacqui Murray, and Natalie Aguirre!

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

Twitter hashtag is #IWSG


To join the IWSG Blog Hop and view the List of Hop Participants!


  1. Hopefully you can entice the cat inside before Halloween as people sometimes do cruel things to black cats on that day.
    Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. That thought is foremost in my mind. Our house has three floors so one more cat is no threat to overcrowding. But capture of the critter and a trip to our vet would be first.

  2. I love that story, Nancy. I hope you keep us/me UTD on how kitty fares. My sis did similar with a feral dog in her back woods. Took forever to gain his trust, but when she did, it was a thing of beauty.

    1. I'm sure she was someone's pet so I didn't grab her up right away but I'm thinking today is the day!

  3. I agree with Alex, some people are obnoxiously cruel to animals, especially cats. I don't know why. Thank you for co-hosting. Happy Halloween!

    1. Cruel treatment of anything lesser/smaller than you is abhorrent to me. I'd have a petting zoo if I could talk the family into it.

  4. Hey, fellow Halloween lover and cat lover! Good luck with your visitor. Hopefully he/she has a home somewhere. Hope you have a great October, Nancy.

    1. I have a feeling she's already found her home right here.

  5. I tamed a feral cat years ago. It took me 6 months to gain his trust. But it was worth it. Buster became my boy. Good luck, Nancy, and happy IWSG day.

    1. We've had a lot of foundling pets. It got so if anyone who knows me had a picture of sad homelss animals they'd send it to me. What can I say. I'm a sucker.

  6. Thanks for co-hosting this month. Thanks for sharing the song, it's one of my favorites. I hope you can win over the cat soon. All along on Halloween isn't good for little black cats.

  7. Good luck with making better friends with the cat. Thanks for co-hosting with me.

  8. We share the same enthusiasm for this holiday! Love it. Also love cats, so I'm hoping you can entice that guy to stay safely with you. Thanks for co-hosting today, Nancy.

  9. You are such a softie. That kitty will have a good home...eventually. Thanks for cohosting this month.

  10. I also love the Fall. I think I'll put out my Halloween decorations today. It's nice out, and that won't last forever. Good luck taming the kitten. It will appreciate your care soon.
