WeWriWa – Superstitious Superstitions

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Saturday, October 05, 2024

WeWriWa – Superstitious Superstitions

I’m now a busy stepmother to a little lost cat that I want to adopt.

Last weekend a small black kitty showed up on our back patio. Although I already have three cats, all of them orphaned or abandoned and now incredibly spoiled, I’m planning to take in one more. Though she loves the food and fresh water, the waterproof shelter on our porch and watches us with interest, I have yet to get close enough to pet her. But I won’t give up.

In my efforts to ingratiate myself to this little creature, all else fell away. Until I turned on my computer this morning. Another post due already? Ahha! It reminds me of the scene I used in last week’s post! So, how about a bit more of that?

Excerpt from HER TEXAS HERO . . .

 The Excerpt 

“You don’t look like no Martin I ever met.”

“It’s . . . it’s a nickname from when I was young.” Sharing that minute personal detail had her tensing again, waiting for him to push for more information. But apparently satisfied with that small piece, he leaned back on his elbows and stretched exquisitely tooled boots that no hand-to-mouth wrangler could afford toward the flames. She’d taken a first sip from the still hot brew when he casually advanced his curiosity.

“Got someone waiting on you in San Antone that’ll be worried?”

“No,” she admitted before caution gave her a cold shake. She offered a tight smile and added, “Not at an exact time, that is. My father has a townhome there. He’ll be watching for my arrival. And,” she added quickly as an incentive, “will be very grateful for your assistance.”

( . . . and a bit more . . .)

Frown lines creased his expression. “You got the wrong idea, ma’am. I weren’t hinting for no reward.”

A delicate brow arched. “You don’t believe he’d think I was worth it?”

A quick blink, then his low, rumbling laugh did funny things to her insides as he drawled, “Just spoiling for a fight, ain’t cha?”

I’m looking forward to reading your posts – even if I’m outside trying to tame a wandering kitty with tasty temptations . . . much to the ire of the other three glaring at me through the slider. Then . . . to convince those three that they want to increase their group to four.

Hopefully this little black cat will bring nothing but good luck!!

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