WeWriWa: The Kindness of Strangers, HER TEXAS HERO

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Sunday, October 13, 2024

WeWriWa: The Kindness of Strangers, HER TEXAS HERO

As you know from last week, I’ve been sheltering a small black kitty who has taken up residence under a bush in our back yard. As much as I’d love to give her an inside home, we’ve already got three cats, my sister’s nearly blind old dog, and my adult son sharing our space. Mush that I am, I’ve ordered an outdoor cat shelter for the little girl since it’s going to drop into the forties at night. Though I’ve been feeding her regularly on our patio, I’ve yet to actually pet her. Slow but sure when it comes to earning trust . . . an adage that fits in nicely with my W-I-P where my two young heroes have rescued a mysterious young woman from a bad situation. Here’s a new snippet from HER TEXAS HERO . . .

 The Excerpt 

Carson Bass circled around the guttering fire to plop down on his cousin’s bedroll. While Rand incited agitation, he inspired a sense of calm and comfort that allowed Marti to return a faint shadow of his easy smile.

“We got two rooms at a hotel in town. Real nice ones,” he quickly added to relieve any misgivings. “Whilst we take care of the horses, it’d be no trouble a’tall if you’d care to use one of ‘em to freshen up ‘fore you see your family, and maybe get yourself something pretty to wear.”

What could she say—that she’d worn nothing but plain novice garb since being abandoned in the desert prison when little more than a child, that she’d given her last coin to the monster who’d stolen her innocence?

Carson’s deciding nod was followed by a firm, “We’ll put you up in one of our rooms whilst we find a shop girl to bring over some ladies’ things for you to pick from. Your family expecting you at any particular time?”

Since she wasn’t expected at all, Marti managed a faint, “I was going to surprise my father.”

Surprise was an understatement. There was a good chance he’d have her shipped back to the convent before the two cowboys finished their first night on the town.

Looks grim indeed for our heroine, but at least she’s found herself a couple of good-hearted rescuers in the Bass cousins. Will that good will last when they discover the truth behind her situation?

And speaking of rescuers, I’d better check on my outside guest – or is it guests, since cats have started popping up out of the bushes – including a large black and white fellow that showed up LAST summer for some TLC. From the look of him, that care was put to good use in someone’s home. If it was up to me, I’d have a cat door installed on the patio slider. I know, what a mush.

I’m off to head outside to enjoy this glorious fall day . . . and maybe make a few four-legged friends . . . right after reading your excerpts!

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