WeWriWa: Have a Heart . . . A Risk-Taking Ranger

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Sunday, January 09, 2022

WeWriWa: Have a Heart . . . A Risk-Taking Ranger

Some occupations just don’t mix with having a tender heart. Compassion is one thing, but more than that tends to get . . . sticky, as in this excerpt from my W-I-P, A RISK-TAKING RANGER.

“Why are you so afraid someone will think you actually have a heart?”

“Just doing a right thing to rectify one in a generation of wrongs.” When she had no comment on his altruistic goal, he cut a glance her way. “What, you don’t think they’re deserving of a break?”

She laughed at his abruptness. “I’d see them moved into that swanky neighborhood next door to the Baxter’s house and have his poor excuse for a human son cleaning their pool.”

A smile twitched over Zayn’s lips. Lips that were eager to get to some serious business atop the honorable Ms. Prescott’s at the first available opportunity. “Maybe you and I are both in the wrong business.”

“No. I think we’re right where we need to be.”
Empathy is something the main characters in my latest RomSusp can claim in spades – theirs having been kicked around since childhood and yet still strong enough to bear the burdens of others. The once abused Nora, now a child advocate, and abandoned child now Texas Ranger Zayn still carry the scars on their hearts as well as bodies. Working on the issues of other has helped them deal with those they fiercely suppress . . . until one wounded soul recognizes another.

I’m FINALLY back at the keyboard after a long holiday hiatus and getting back in sync with my characters. Hopefully, I’ll have NEW words to share very soon. Until then, I’m battening down for another round of battering Michigan winter . . . but hey, as long as I have electricity (or battery left) I’m content to let it snow!

How’s your New Year going so far?

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.

Spread the word, share the love, warriors - Hashtag #8sunday.

Nancy on the Web


  1. Love this line - a great visual - Lips that were eager to get to some serious business

    1. Thanks, Daryl! Taking care of business has never been so much fun to write.

  2. It sounds like they're going to be a great team. I like the title, as well. Hope your new year is going well! So far, so good for me.

    1. Titles are the hardest so it's great to hear that!! I wanted something to kinda go with the title of my previous book. AM UNTARNISHED HERO.

  3. You write amazing dialogue! Your snippet is one more example of it.

    We are catching the rainy side of this storm. 35 degrees outside and raining on a couple inches of snow. It's supposed to drop to 14 tonight after the rain ends. Pennsylvania winters...

    My new year? Not enough writing. Distracted by a TV series "A Discovery of Witches".

    1. Thank you, Teresa!! I LOVE to talk! Watching ""Discovery" now and LOVING it. I AM a paranormal gal afterall.

  4. Enjoyed the snippet! Your writing is so smooth and the 'voice' is so strong.

  5. Seems like the conversation is skirting around a load of unspoken feelings.

  6. I love that both characters have the same sense of social justice! Really enjoyed this snippet! And glad you're back to writing!

  7. Glad you're back at the keyboard. Love the title. These two have overcome such terrible childhoods. I hope their pasts don't screw up their future.

    1. But you KNOW how I love tortured characters, Diane!

  8. Great the way you make us see how closely aligned they are--the reader knows long before they do I bet. They are so right for each other--they just gotta get there on their own, I guess. Great to have you back at the keyboard again! Enjoy! Tweeted.

    1. They're ALWAYS the last to know!! Silly characters.
