WeWriWa: A Story That Never Ends . . . By MIDNIGHT

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Sunday, April 07, 2024

WeWriWa: A Story That Never Ends . . . By MIDNIGHT

I had such fun sinking my teeth (so to speak) into my vampire romance, MIDNIGHT REDEEMER, during last month’s sale, I thought I’d use the month of April to feature MIDNIGHT SHADOWS and MIDNIGHT MASQUERADE to bridge the gap between it and the final book of the series, MIDNIGHT CRUSADER, which goes on S-A-L-E in May (!). It’s no secret that I LOVE writing a series of books, whether historical, contemporary, or paranormal. And when I can do all three in the same series . . . Woo Hoo! The “Midnight” world has taken me from Regency England to the French Revolution and Jazz Age ‘20s, from Turn of the Century New York to steamy jungles of modern Peru, night dangers in Seattle, power-hungry D.C., and finally, to the dazzle of Las Vegas. What a journey it’s been! If you haven’t taken it with me . . . there’s still time to get on board!

MIDNIGHT SHADOWS places Frank Cobb (who made himself irresistible to me as Dr. Stacy Kimball’s bodyguard in the previous book, MIDNIGHT REDEEMER) on a plane to the jungles of Peru to protect ethnologist, Sheba Reynard from the deadly mysteries of her past. It’s no secret that Cobb is my absolute favorite in the series, and here’s a look at why . . .

Midnight Shadows (Touched by Midnight Series - Book 7)

Published: May 3, 2011
Length: 224 Pages

She doesn’t believe in monsters . . .
Myth-busting ethnologist, Sheba Reynard's life's work is proving that destructive paranormal beings don’t exist. But while exposing hoaxes, she's also hiding from the frightening shadows in her past that say differently. To find the missing pieces of her memory that continue to haunt her dreams, she must face the truth behind the nightmares . . . a truth that could lead to madness or even death.

He doesn’t believe in death . . .
Frank Cobb knows monsters are very, very real. He's pursued a wily vampire into the jungles of Peru, prepared to face the demon with only his very human skill set. But are his motives—to bring the creature back for government research—purely business or for revenge? Either way, he’s not happy to have an annoyingly strong-willed—and utterly irresistible—woman getting in his way.

Forced together by circumstance, they venture into the shadowy unknown. Only it soon becomes clear that one of them will have to surrender their quest . . . if the other one is to make it out alive.

“Ms. Gideon continues to run in the fore-front of the vampire romance genre. Non-stop action and passion combined in an exotic setting will definitely thrill fans, leaving them craving more. —Kathe Robin, Romantic Times

“Nancy Gideon is one of the best supernatural writers on the market today!" — Midwest Book Review/BookWire

 The Excerpt 

“It’s real.”

She reacted with a snorting laugh. “Real, as in the Fanged Deity the Indians worshiped before the Incas? Oh come on, Cobb, you can do better than that.”

But his expression remained somber and his stare unblinkingly sincere. “Sheba, there are monsters, and I know this one by name.”

She tried to laugh it off, but the attempt lodged in her throat, a hard, choking lump of horrible truth, because she knew Cobb was not lying to her. But to say she believed him was to let her own personal demons loose. She wasn’t ready for that yet.

“I’ve heard a lot of different names, Cobb, Which one are you picking?”


Boom. There it is. And it garnered my favorite review quote:

“Gideon’s stories transcend the genre with action, adventure, mystery, horror AND romance. Fun, fast-paced reads comparable in style to Dean Koontz.” (!)
It don’t get much better than that!!

Take a bite out of MIDNIGHT SHADOWS! I’ll be back with another taste next weekend.

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.

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  1. Tension built. Nice delivery.

  2. I like the blurb and that says a lot, because I don't really read this genre. Well done on the great reviews! And i enjoyed the snippet, too :-D

  3. LOL ... Did you say cookies? I just might ;-)
